Meetings with Policy-Makers
May 2022 - Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Psychosocial Support for Refugee Learner
On 19th and 20th May 2022, the European Commission - DG EAC organized a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Psychosocial Support for Refugee Learners, with the aim of promoting peer learning on effective school and community responses to refugee learner psycho-social needs.
Key stakeholders from each Member State were invited to attend the PLA. The PLA included a Virtual Exhibition featuring programmes providing psychosocial support for refugee learners and relevant teacher training. PROMEHS was one of the four projects which was invited to participate in the Virtual Exhibition, and Prof Celeste Simoes presented the PROMEHS project on behalf of the PROMEHS team. She spoke about the PROMEHS journey starting from the development of the curriculum, training and implementation, and evaluation of the programme.
February 2022 - 80th International Scientific Conference “Human, Technology and Quality of Education”of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art.
The PROMEHS project has been presented during the plenary session at the 80th International Scientific Conference titled “Human, Technology and Quality of Education, organized by the University of Latvia.
Chairs: Linda Daniela, Zanda Rubene
Invited keynotes:
Anita Muižniece - Minister of Education and Science of Latvia
Linda Daniela - University of Latvia, Latvia
Valeria Cavioni - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Dirk Ifenthaler - University of Manheim, Germany; University of Latvia, Latvia
Marc Depaepe - University of Latvia, Latvia; University of Leuven, Belgium
Heidi Hyytinen - University University of Helsinki, Finland
Download the PROMEHS presentation by Valeria Cavioni

May 2021 - Croatian National Assembly of Social Pedagogists
Anita Muižniece
Minister of Education and Science of Latvia
On May 12th, 13th and 14th 2021, the Croatian Education and Teachers Training Agency organised the National Assembly of Social Pedagogists entitled "Preventive Strategy as a School Power, Module I". The aim of this event was to improve knowledge in the field of development and implementation of prevention programs in Croatia, from needs assessment, to planning and implementation of intervention, to evaluation. With this in mind, a round table entitled "Presentation of activities in the field of mental health care" was organised and held within the assembly on May 12, 2021 from 13.30-15.00. The speakers of the round table were: PhD Martina Ferić, prof., Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Zagreb; PhD Ljiljana Muslić, Croatian Institute of Public Health, PhD Miranda Novak, doc., Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Zagreb; PhD Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić, Associate Professor, University of Rijeka; and PhD Darko Roviš, Department of Public Health of Primorje-Gorje County. In this part of the assembly, prof. Tatalović Vorkapić has been asked to present the PROMEHS project and its contribution to the development of prevention sciences, as well as to the improvement of mental health of children, youth and educators. She emphasized the specifics of this Curriculum for Children and Youth's mental health and pointed out the importance of systematic implementation of evidence-based preventive programs in kindergartens and schools.
Over 250 people from Croatia participated to the Assembly, including social pedagogists and representatives of relevant Ministeries.

News from Greece
January 2nd, 2020 - Meeting in person with the Director of Education, Western Greece, Mr Giannopoulos, Konstantinos, to discuss the project.
August 28th, 2020 - Meeting in person with the Rector of University of Patras, Dr Bouras, Christos.The discussion centered around the role the University of Patras can play within the PROMEHS project.
September 2nd, 2020 - On-line meeting with the Coordinator of Mental Health Promotion, Primary Schools in Achaia prefecture, Mrs Papakonstantinon Artemis, and with the Coordinator of Mental Health Promotion, Secondary Schools in Achaia prefecture, Mrs Thomopoulou Ioanna. The topic of our discussion: The PROMEHS Erasmus project and its implementation in primary and secondary schools of Western Greece. PROMEHS comparison with similar programs of Mental Health at Greek Schools.
September 3rd, 2020 - On-line meeting with the Coordinator of Primary Education, Western Greece, Mr Papadakis, Spyros and the 36 coordinators of primary and secondary education in Western Greece to discuss howto implement the PROMEHS curriculum in schools.
News from Portugal
November 5th, 2019 – Face to face meeting with the Chief and technical staff of the Division of Educacion Policy Development - Oeiras City Council, for general dissemination of PROMEHS Project.
January 8th 2020 - Face to face meeting with the Chief and technical staff of the Department of Social Intervention - Almada City Council, for general dissemination of PROMEHS Project.
March, 4th, 2020 - Online meeting with the Director and technical staff of the Observatory of Psychology and Wellness - Viseu District, to present PROMEHS Project.
March, 10th, 2020 - Face to face meeting with technical staff of the Division of Education Policy Development - Oeiras City Council, to formally present PROMEHS Project.
May 5th, 2020 - Online meeting for an update and to present the partners, with the Division of Educacion and Policy Development - Oeiras City Council, the Department of Social Intervention and Division of Education - Almada City Council and the Observatory of Psychology and Wellness - Viseu District.
July, 13th, 2020 - Online Meeting with the Division of Educacion and Policy Development and the Chief of the Inovation and Special Projects Unit - Oeiras City Council.
September, 25th, 2020 - Online Meeting with the Division of Education and Policy Development - Oeiras City Council for an update about schools selection.
October, 2nd, 2020 - Online Meeting with Division of Education - Almada City Council to present the school clusters selected by the Department to participate in the PROMEHS Project.
November, 16th 2020 – Online meeting with the Chief and technical staff of the Division of Education - Viseu City Council to present PROMEHS Project.
December, 21th, 2020 – Online meeting with the Division of Education and Policy Development technical staff - Oeiras City Council to present the progress made with the PROMEHS Project.
News from Latvia
October 12th, 2020 - Joint meeting in person with the vice-mayor of Sigulda region Līga Sausiņa, the Head of School Board of Sigulda region Sandra Tukiša as well as principals of 14 schools involved in PROMEHS (lead by Baiba Martinsone).
December 9th, 2020 - Baiba Martinsone was invited to participate in a meeting of the Committee of Education, science and culture at the Saeima (the Parliament of Latvia). Among the topics of this meeting was distance learning and role of mental health in this period of education under restrictions.
December 16th, 2020 - Baiba Martinsone presented on similar topic at the meeting of supervisory board of UNESCO Latvian national committee and the Ministry of Education and science of Latvia.
December 18th, 2020 - Baiba Martinsone was invited to speak with the minister of Education and science Ilga Šuplinska in the ministry's FB on the rubric "The actual topic" about teachers' wellbeing and promoting of mental health. After this brief interview (the minister posed the question and Baiba answered) there was the opportunity to discuss with the minister on PROMEHS recommendations for policy makers. We agreed that the recommendations will be shared with the ministry.
News from Greece
January 2nd, 2020 - Meeting in person with the Director of Education, Western Greece, Mr Giannopoulos, Konstantinos, to discuss the project.
August 28th, 2020 - Meeting in person with the Rector of University of Patras, Dr Bouras, Christos.The discussion centered around the role the University of Patras can play within the PROMEHS project.
September 2nd, 2020 - On-line meeting with the Coordinator of Mental Health Promotion, Primary Schools in Achaia prefecture, Mrs Papakonstantinon Artemis, and with the Coordinator of Mental Health Promotion, Secondary Schools in Achaia prefecture, Mrs Thomopoulou Ioanna. The topic of our discussion: The PROMEHS Erasmus project and its implementation in primary and secondary schools of Western Greece. PROMEHS comparison with similar programs of Mental Health at Greek Schools.
September 3rd, 2020 - On-line meeting with the Coordinator of Primary Education, Western Greece, Mr Papadakis, Spyros and the 36 coordinators of primary and secondary education in Western Greece to discuss howto implement the PROMEHS curriculum in schools.
News from Portugal
November 5th, 2019 – Face to face meeting with the Chief and technical staff of the Division of Educacion Policy Development - Oeiras City Council, for general dissemination of PROMEHS Project.
January 8th 2020 - Face to face meeting with the Chief and technical staff of the Department of Social Intervention - Almada City Council, for general dissemination of PROMEHS Project.
March, 4th, 2020 - Online meeting with the Director and technical staff of the Observatory of Psychology and Wellness - Viseu District, to present PROMEHS Project.
March, 10th, 2020 - Face to face meeting with technical staff of the Division of Education Policy Development - Oeiras City Council, to formally present PROMEHS Project.
May 5th, 2020 - Online meeting for an update and to present the partners, with the Division of Educacion and Policy Development - Oeiras City Council, the Department of Social Intervention and Division of Education - Almada City Council and the Observatory of Psychology and Wellness - Viseu District.
July, 13th, 2020 - Online Meeting with the Division of Educacion and Policy Development and the Chief of the Inovation and Special Projects Unit - Oeiras City Council.
September, 25th, 2020 - Online Meeting with the Division of Education and Policy Development - Oeiras City Council for an update about schools selection.
October, 2nd, 2020 - Online Meeting with Division of Education - Almada City Council to present the school clusters selected by the Department to participate in the PROMEHS Project.
November, 16th 2020 – Online meeting with the Chief and technical staff of the Division of Education - Viseu City Council to present PROMEHS Project.
December, 21th, 2020 – Online meeting with the Division of Education and Policy Development technical staff - Oeiras City Council to present the progress made with the PROMEHS Project.
News from Latvia
October 12th, 2020 - Joint meeting in person with the vice-mayor of Sigulda region Līga Sausiņa, the Head of School Board of Sigulda region Sandra Tukiša as well as principals of 14 schools involved in PROMEHS (lead by Baiba Martinsone).
December 9th, 2020 - Baiba Martinsone was invited to participate in a meeting of the Committee of Education, science and culture at the Saeima (the Parliament of Latvia). Among the topics of this meeting was distance learning and role of mental health in this period of education under restrictions.
December 16th, 2020 - Baiba Martinsone presented on similar topic at the meeting of supervisory board of UNESCO Latvian national committee and the Ministry of Education and science of Latvia.
December 18th, 2020 - Baiba Martinsone was invited to speak with the minister of Education and science Ilga Šuplinska in the ministry's FB on the rubric "The actual topic" about teachers' wellbeing and promoting of mental health. After this brief interview (the minister posed the question and Baiba answered) there was the opportunity to discuss with the minister on PROMEHS recommendations for policy makers. We agreed that the recommendations will be shared with the ministry.
June 2020 – Latvian Team meets the Vice-Mayor of Sigulda region municipality, the Head of Regional Education Board and the Head of the Regional Methodological Alliance.

On the 15th of June, 2020, the Latvian PROMEHS team members (project manager prof. Baiba Martinsone and project teacher Vineta Inberga) had a meeting with Vice-Mayor of Sigulda region municipality, Līga Sausiņa, The head of Regional Education Board, Sandra Tukiša, and the head of the regional methodological alliance, Vaira Siliņa. The meeting was held at the Municipality of the Sigulda region
The goal of the meeting was to update on the progress of the project, agree on the next activities regarding the organization of the national opening conference, and other national-level dissemination activities.
Main technical and organizational details of the opening conference on 25th of August were solved.
Agreement on how to approach schools (individual contacts with school leaders, invitation letters, provision of PROMEHS booklets) was reached.
Online registration of participants has started. The agreement that streaming of the conference will be offered nationally.
News from Italy
January 2020 at Palazzo della Regione, Milan (Italy)

The Italian PROMEHS team co-organised a National Conference for teachers, educators, policy makers, social health professionals together with the Lombardy Regional Welfare Office.
The Conference, which was held on the 22nd of January 2020, has been a great opportunity to present the PROMEHS project to a wide and diverse audience, and to officially introduce our new and important collaboration with the Lombardy Regional Offices. We will be working closely with people who have been promoting health in school for a long time. We are confident this will help enhance the impact of our project even more.
November 2019 - Italian Team at the Senate in Rome

PROMEHS Italian Team (Prof. Ilaria Grazzani, Prof. Veronica Ornaghi and Dr. Valeria Cavioni) has been invited by the Senator Mrs. Bianca Laura Granato (VII Permanent Commission - Public Education and Cultural Heritage) at the Senate in Rome (Italy) to share with other experts ideas on how to promote mental health at school.
The meeting aimed at preparing a Conference on these specific topics that will take place in February 2020, in Rome.
November 2019 - Latvian Team meets Sigulda's Vice-Mayor and the Head of Regional Education Board

The Latvian PROMEHS team members (Prof. Baiba Martinsone and Vineta Inberga) just had a meeting with Sigulda's Vice-Mayor, Līga Sausiņa, and with the Head of Regional Education Board, Sandra Tukiša.
The goal of the meeting was to update them on the progress we are making within the project, to plan the implementation and the next research steps of the PROMEHS' curriculum, and to find appropriate ways to disseminate its results.
The following actions have been identified:
A National Opening Conference will be organised in August 2020 to present the project to teachers, parents and policy authorities within the Sigulda region, and beyond.
An interview with the project manager Prof. Baiba Martinsone on mental health promotion, social emotional learning and the PROMEHS project will be recorded and a local TV will broadcast it to reach a wide and non-technical audience across Latvia.